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zeus6793 t1_iwmxzud wrote

Unless your ancestors were pilgrims, what's this "we" ran here? And if you should probably be aware that they did not run from England as much as got pushed out of England. The Puritans were considered so extreme, so outlandish in their faith, and so utterly closed minded about anything that didn't follow their faith, that the rest of the country hated them with a passion. They left because they were coming under more and more justified anger and hatred, and decided to travel to the New World where they can set up a community (cult) and lay down the rules per their beliefs. These are the people that got this country started as a Christofascist nation where belief in the Puritan religion was absolute, and any deviation could get you hanged, or burned. These are the people we can blame for this country's screwed up morality. This is the foundation of the white anglo-saxons in this country. And they continue it to this day.


Yonand331 t1_iwnimuf wrote

That makes sense why America is the way it is, maybe the new puritans will all go to Mars.