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dahwhat t1_iyhop5w wrote


largeb789 t1_iyi57fh wrote

No, we're not. But it's really hard to ignore the fact that having a gun in the house does lead to an increased risk of someone in the house dying from the gun. Usually through suicide. My guns are all locked up, but having them used in a suicide is reason enough for me to consider selling them. A murder suicide would be even worse.


dahwhat t1_iyi9cez wrote

As a rational person/mutiple gun household, I don't disagree with you, but, in my house we get therapy before suicide/homicide becomes a thought.

Too bad some people choose to not do the same.


FatherOfTheVoid t1_iyigrkp wrote

If I want to kill my self, I shouldn't be limited to ropes and heroin. Stop trying to take away my rights.


largeb789 t1_iyivgdh wrote

So me reconsidering whether I want guns in my home affect your rights? Please explain.


FatherOfTheVoid t1_iyizunp wrote

Because I, if I'm suicidal, want to be able to walk into your home and kill myself with your guns.
