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Nowhere_X_Anywhere t1_iyoh52a wrote

I don't mind, with all the money in politics now. NH used to help give more moderate candidates, of either party, a bump. Nowadays the money overrides the moderating force of the NH primary.

I mean shit, you literally have the opposing party now spending more to get their preferred challenger out of a primary than said challenger could even raise on their own.

The donor class will give us who we are going to get to choose from, and the timing of primaries is now all about appeasing donors in an effort to get them to give/bundle more or to create their own PAC to get in a bidding contest over when their preferred state can be on the primary calendar.

Maybe moving out of the primary spotlight will allow a few more New Hampshirites remember we are neighbors, friends, and family first and partisan operatives promoting a political gang affiliation second.