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theunknownunknown166 OP t1_iytel2g wrote

Oh I know she’s not a medical emergency. She sprained her ankle really bad but the point is it’s been six hours. It’s a little ridiculous.


DeerFlyHater t1_iytfkfb wrote

Welp, that's why you're waiting.

A sprained ankle equals RICE, maybe NSAIDs(I personally would add G&Ts to that), and then see an urgent care in the morning.


theunknownunknown166 OP t1_iytfo9m wrote

Yeah, we would leave but they’ve already started the process so we can’t go or we get the bill and the insurance don’t pay it is that


DeerFlyHater t1_iytizw9 wrote

Understand where you're coming from. I hope it is just a simple sprained ankle and she heals up quick. I know hobbling around on them are not fun.

Good luck. Hope you all get out of there soon!


akcattleco t1_iytnhb3 wrote

SMH.....I thought you actually needed to be at the hospital.........a sprained ankle.......🤦‍♂️