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t1_iyw33su wrote

Shooter's Outpost (Hookset)

I hate the place, but they have the best and biggest selection

Wicked Weaponry is good for AR stuff


t1_iyw55io wrote

When I moved here I bought a rifle online and sent it to shooter's. I showed up to pick it up with a vehicle registration with my correct NH address and a passport, which the ATF affirms on their own website are enough to meet the residency and ID requirements for firearm purchase.

Shooter's would not release the firearm to me and after a week of back and forth they sent it to another FFL who did.

Fuck them steppers.

Downvoters are boot lickers


t1_iyxcjz5 wrote

Yea, their CS is absolute trash. I hate shopping there, so I usually try things out then buy them online. They do have some sweet mk3/5 scopes and I might buy one of the rails they have since its OOS everywhere else, but it pains me to admit that...


OP t1_iyw6nna wrote

Fuck shooters outpost. Never will I even step foot near it again. Worst customer service and a right delayed is a right DENIED. If I have 3 days no response I should be able to go pick up my rifle or gun.
