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TreePointOhhhhh t1_j25mroy wrote

You convince them by leading by example. Stop buying Chinese shit. They are the worst offenders by a wide margin. If you’re buying Chinese made products, you are 100% guilty of contributing to global warming.


Crazy_Hick_in_NH t1_j26bmra wrote

I predict…the USA continues to pay China to make shtuff for less than what we can/will make ourselves and, as a result of this to coincide with the USA’s newfound interest in worldly climate matters, will contribute even more money to bringing such 3rd world countries up to a cleaner and greener standard of manufacturing. Less is more. More is less. USA! USA!! USA!!!


TreePointOhhhhh t1_j274yra wrote

There are two main reasons why China can make things so much cheaper than we can. First, they don’t have labor laws. The working conditions there are inhumane and their wages are atrocious, in some cases, literally slave labor. The second reason is because they have no environmental laws. When you don’t have to spend money to dispose of your pollutants properly, you can make things at a much lower cost. They just dump their pollutants in the ocean. Same thing with their air pollutants as well. Basically, corporations send their products to China so that they can destroy the environment out of consumers’ sights and cut costs. It’s all a sham


Puzzleheaded_Okra_21 t1_j28gc43 wrote

>Stop buying Chinese shit. They are the worst offenders by a wide margin.

Pssst! Your sinophobia is showing! Are you really blaming PoC for Climate Change?


TreePointOhhhhh t1_j28jvhy wrote

“Your sinophobia is showing!”

How dare you not capitalize Sinophobia! What are you, some kind of patriarchal binary white supremacist??!! Do you think Chinese people are beneath you and are undeserving of the simple respect of capitalization? I’m simply appalled at the nonchalance of your ingrained bigotry. Excuse me while I find my safe space and take a few minutes to collect myself. Your bigotry just broke my heart 💔💔💔