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BelichicksBurner t1_j1uatpk wrote

Big difference between liberals and conservatives: we don't talk about our guns.


tylermm03 t1_j1v6ras wrote

I’m more right leaning but I don’t talk about them unless I’m comfortable disclosing that information to a certain person. I feel like it’s just a cultural thing in the Northeast to just not tell anyone because owning a gun isn’t as socially acceptable as it is in other parts of the country (not saying it’s unacceptable to own one, just that you’re more likely to get shit for it).


BelichicksBurner t1_j1v8adg wrote

Yeah I've lived all around, there's really only 2 or 3 states where the left legitimately doesn't own and wouldn't own a gun and they're all states with extremely large cities. Every other state its pretty close to an even split liberal to conservative in terms of gun ownership.