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DeerFlyHater t1_izf45dy wrote

I like it, but I would also like to see something more recent than 2013. There have been a few changes nationwide which may affect the results.


warlordcs t1_izfrdq6 wrote

This should be doctored to make it dark green. Make the state look as unappealing as possible from the outside


akmjolnir t1_izfejxb wrote

Was this a vertical screenshot from your phone? The designer in me is going nuts looking at this picture.


Darwins_Dog t1_izgj5y5 wrote

I wonder what it would look like if they mapped resudents' desire for other people to leave the state. I feel like NH would rank pretty high.


KrissaKray t1_izfrz4u wrote

I never want to leave. <3


tourdedance t1_izhld51 wrote

You’d never guess it from this sub, after how much they talk about it being a backwards republican-infested cesspool 🤷‍♂️


RCIntl t1_izhyzvm wrote

You have anything more recent than 2013? I'm quite sure a lot of places might have different values post Jan 6/pandemic .... Just saying ...


ThePresidentsHouse t1_izisnsk wrote

Yeah im curious to see a more updated map I feel like I've noticed a lot of younger people moving out of state after high school and college.


FloozyFoot t1_izg66oh wrote

It isn't perfect, but there really isn't anywhere in the US I'd rather be. Home is home.


slimyprincelimey t1_izf22ah wrote

Because it's clearly the best state to live in.


last1stding t1_izgm36u wrote

The best state is the one your moving to or the one you just came from.


FortitudeWisdom t1_izg6z28 wrote

I think I need to move next year to like NC or TX and man I do not want to move at all :'(


PhoenixQuidditch t1_izgbzqt wrote

Do not move to Texas. My wife and I are getting out of here ASAP.


FortitudeWisdom t1_izghzfc wrote

Find a good job >> find a better lady to marry >> move back to NH



MaidenKitsune t1_izgcvo9 wrote

I can agree with there being a high desire to leave PA 😹 I just moved from PA to NH. Best decision I’ve made 👌🏻


-cochise t1_izjyihd wrote

Lmao, gotta love Texas for being what they are. Full of themselves though they may be, they sure do commit to the bit.


ThunderySleep t1_izl8y8n wrote

Pot meet kettle.

Northern New England's great, but if there's one thing I've noticed from people up here, it's like their little cluster of small towns is the center of the world to them, and the world outside of New England is just something you hear of on TV.


lendluke t1_iznxh4c wrote

I think bigger states (in population and area) will be biased towards a higher fraction of people staying. If someone want to be in a big city but doesn't like Houston, there are other options in Texas. If someone is in Rhode Island and doesn't like the Providence metro, they'll want to move to a different state if they want to be in a different big city.