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seanwalter123 t1_j2eplm1 wrote

In turn I should be able to opt out of funding public education if that’s the attitude right?


crenk3130 t1_j2erftg wrote

yeah dude absolutely! however, since our public education system is fully integrated into the social services package that YOU receive as a resident of your town, state, and country, in order to not be a hypocrite you would also need to do some little things like stop using public roads, sidewalks and spaces, stop using emergency response services such as 911, as well as refusing delivery of any and all utilities, including cable and electricity.

if this is too burdensome for you i guess you could also establish your own sovereign state where public education isn’t offered.


seanwalter123 t1_j2esxle wrote

Damn that’s a good idea! I’ll start in Keene and work my way out.


crenk3130 t1_j2et56l wrote

sounds good governor brownback 🫡


seanwalter123 t1_j2eu84h wrote

2% actually, even more offended now! Didn’t government indoctrination teach you to not be such a racist bully?!


seanwalter123 t1_j2etkil wrote

I’m .02% African according to 23 and me. I take offense to this.


crenk3130 t1_j2eu8ct wrote

wow, you are quite literally too stupid to make fun of. Governor Sam Brownback is an actual person, a former governor of Kansas whose libertarian policies were so incredibly unpopular and destructive (they literally couldn’t even keep street lights on or cops on the payroll the state was so broke) that they were repealed less than 4 years after their introduction, and the state of kansas is still deeply in debt due to his policies.


crenk3130 t1_j2erswu wrote

also, asking out of curiosity, what are your thoughts on “right to work” laws?