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tedward2032 t1_j1dpso4 wrote

Nah the staples don’t really pose a danger lol


New_Sun6390 t1_j1dtplk wrote

Please tell me that was sarcasm. Anything sharp caN damage the protective rubber gloves electric line workers wear, rendering them useless for protecting against electrical contact.

So if you think I am being funny, you are an AH.


tedward2032 t1_j1fk4i4 wrote

Lmao I’m actually a lineman and I promise you no one is going up there to staple anything at the top of the pole where you would actually where your rubbers. All staples are obviously at the bottom and aren’t really a problem lol


New_Sun6390 t1_j1fq6xf wrote

>All staples are obviously at the bottom and aren’t really a problem lol

Unless you have to climb the pole. Without benefit of aerial lift.