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GreatGrandaddyPurp t1_j1umav8 wrote

Cumberland farms is cheap and great. Get off your high horse.


woolsocksandsandals t1_j1uot3h wrote

Their coffee is and always has been disgusting. Raise your standards.


ForklkftJones t1_j1w4qbk wrote

I am definitely not a coffee snob and I will drink coffee from the sketchiest of gas stations, but I won't buy Cumberland coffee ever again. No matter which one I went to, the coffee was just crap.


GreatGrandaddyPurp t1_j1x2jnx wrote

Really? In my area cumbies is consistently the best sketchy gas station coffee around. Don't be afraid to add in all their goodies like vanilla and hazelnut. Mmmh I might go get a cup right now.