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New_Sun6390 t1_j0df0g9 wrote

Well the house that I own with my husband is nowhere near a million dollar home. It is a starter home. It was a starter home when we bought it and it will always be a starter home unless somebody buys it, bulldozes it down, and builds a mcmansion. Now our house has Cherry cabinets (gasp!), carpeting, and walls that are painted a very neutral kind of off-white color. I am sure anybody who looks at it will say it's outdated. Yet, it is perfectly functional. They can kiss my ass. I do not want stark white cabinets nor do I want the walls painted some trendy color that's going to go out of style in 6 months. And there is no way I'm going to buy fancy furniture and a hundred different throw pillows to put on top of it just to satisfy somebody's fashion sense. If we ever sell it it's probably going to be sold as is.