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Time-Friend5627 OP t1_j0j3hvd wrote

NFL Network bin Sunday is challenging because of so many games. Guess Saturday would work with only the Bills on we hit restaurants for brunch on certain Sundays. Thanks!


gottausername t1_j0joxb7 wrote

Google Buffalo Bills bar and the nearest "city" to you. In Manchester, Billy's sports bar actually does air the Bills games. It's the "Bills backers" "official" bar in the Granite state.


Time-Friend5627 OP t1_j0jp6xd wrote

We didn’t know about Billy’s! Thanks for the tip!


gottausername t1_j0jslz7 wrote

You're welcome. 🙂


Time-Friend5627 OP t1_j0r0oqz wrote

Ended up free trialing FUBO, but definitely will seek out Billy’s as Buffalo stomps through the playoffs.


gottausername t1_j0rfnyy wrote

:) It was a great game glad you got to see it. Go Bills!!