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goatinthewater420 t1_j26gg6y wrote

What is wrong with you?


daphneWpolsce OP t1_j26wg7p wrote

If you truly believe in "live free or die" just fuck off and let people live their happy authentic lives.


vexingsilence t1_j277ram wrote

> let people live their happy authentic lives

You're openly unwilling to hire a lot of people that are just living their authentic lives.

Bigotry is bigotry.


daphneWpolsce OP t1_j27a08d wrote

I did not say I was unwilling to hire them. With all the harassment I've gotten on this post, it's obvious that hiring someone who understands and respects me would be safer for me. I'm trying to gather a list of people so that I can get to know likeminded people in the area and prioritize people I know won't harass me for something as simple as a pride flag, but am not opposed to hiring any qualified contractor.


vexingsilence t1_j27d73e wrote

No one here is harassing you from what I can see. Not even the user that you claimed was attacking you. You've posted something that people find objectionable and they're calling you out on it. That's something that's going to happen on a public forum like this.

>it's obvious that hiring someone who understands and respects me would be safer for me

Sounds heterophobic. This is the same type of thinking that the pride movement was meant to undo, you're just pointing it in the opposite direction. Can't you see that?


mjs710 t1_j28nknh wrote

you would fit right in at r/persecutionfetish


tommyd1018 t1_j29422p wrote

Just wanted to say thank you for speaking up about it. I think there's alot of people who recognize this kind of thing for what it is, but are too afraid of being called a racist/sexist/whatever by the woke mob to say anything. Preferring to work with and support a certain group of people is fine, but excluding people purely based off of sex/gender/race/etc. is called the same thing whether you are white/black/gay/straight/male/female