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NckMcC t1_j2uydle wrote

I understand man. You are very smart I bet. You are the same guy who argues guns themselves are threatening merely because it exists. Are you a big r/politics leftist?


AuthorSnow t1_j2v0ams wrote

Disingenuous bullshit. Answer the question. You gonna let me just stab you? I got a knife. It’s not threatening. You’re just as retarded as the last one


MistakenLabotomy t1_j2w1s67 wrote

You are an ignorant boot licker.


AuthorSnow t1_j2wg6xs wrote

No. That’s what the law says. 🤣🤣 bOoTLiCkEr 🥴🥴 what an asinine retort


HikeEveryMountain t1_j2x032j wrote

The law says the penalty for holding a knife is death on the spot? Weird.


AuthorSnow t1_j2y57x8 wrote

Right to use deadly force, so yeah. Disingenuous nonsense this one


HikeEveryMountain t1_j2yuqdz wrote

You can't use deadly force against somebody for HOLDING a knife. You don't have the right to use deadly force against a chef, do you? The article only says he was holding a knife. You're adding your own "facts" to this situation. "He got shot, so he must have deserved it" is the summary of your argument. That's NUTS. Being shot by the police doesn't make you guilty of a crime, and it also doesn't mean that deadly force was appropriate. One of the officers thought that a stun gun was sufficient. Why did the other cop go for deadly force, when the other cop didn't?


AuthorSnow t1_j2zf5no wrote

🤣🤣 he wasn’t holding a knife, he was holding a knife in relation to a domestic call. It presupposes violence and thus the use of force. Once again, another disingenuous post denying the obvious. Create a red herring and then use red herring for your argument. Asinine.

Why did one cop use a gun and the other a taser? Threat assessment.