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CheliceraeJones t1_j2uzyag wrote

Is that a fucking SAW

I would love to see this motherfucker try to run with it. At least the rest of the squad could get behind him for cover.


royalPanic t1_j2vdijs wrote

A SAW, boonie, and nothing but the most effective camouflage the army has ever offered.


CheliceraeJones t1_j2wrqzx wrote

They introduced multicam right after I got out and it makes me seethe even to this day.


oldmanshiba OP t1_j2v8ou6 wrote

I don’t think it’s a saw. It wouldn’t really cut down a tree. It’s an airsoft my Nana got me.


akmjolnir t1_j2wv0e8 wrote

Fat is a terrible bullet-stop.


CheliceraeJones t1_j2wv5io wrote

Well concealment at least


akmjolnir t1_j2wwb21 wrote

Not in ACU/Smurf camo. That stuff sucked.

All my Army buddies were super jelly of my MARPAT choices.