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No1_Nozits_Me t1_j536tqx wrote

When I was a kid, I was absolutely certain that I was born the wrong gender. I had more friends of the opposite sex, thought my features were more like the opposite sex, and I was built more like the opposite sex.

50 years later, it's very obvious I was wrong when I was a kid, and I realized I was the correct gender when I hit puberty. Imagine how fucked up I'd be today if my parents rushed me to a doctor to "fix" me back then.


rudyattitudedee t1_j53q8qz wrote

My kid goes from wrestling his friends, telling girls they are hot and he’s buff and strutting like a peacock, playing hockey and getting dirty, to saying he’s a girl and dressing up like one and everywhere in between. He’s 6. I did the same shit when I was his age. I let him do whatever, it’s harmless. However, if he had his say he’d have me install YouTube again and he’d try to watch it all Fuckin day until he got a migraine and realized he had to shit and was starving. Kids are really just not that smart. They have no experience to say “I want to” versus “I need to” and know the difference. I think it’s best to let them feel feelings and if it becomes a constant thing for a long long time, start the actual consideration and consultations.


CocoTheElder t1_j56dbkl wrote

I think your key point there is that once you hit puberty, you realized you were cis. Now, can you imagine the opposite?


vexingsilence t1_j55snnl wrote

I've read many reports of boys who were underdeveloped, not as strong or as big as the other boys at their age levels, end up getting peer pressured into thinking they're actually girls and pretty much get pushed into some form of transitioning, only to later realize it's not at all what they wanted. There are a lot of truly disturbing stories out there. Having been bullied for being thin as a child, it's chilling to imagine what school would have been like if I were that age now. It was pretty terrible as it was, without all this grooming going on. I don't know how anyone can view it as anything other than child abuse.


CocoTheElder t1_j56dqqk wrote

Sorry, but the whole "being bullied into transition" thing is a made up wedge issue pushed by questionable sources.


YBMExile t1_j5ahqig wrote

Who is “rushing”? The argument that parents of trans kids are dropping everything and committing to the most immediate outcome is shit. Please, keep an open mind, listen to people around you who are trans or who support trans kids.