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RelationshipJust9556 t1_j3y69ey wrote

well they are being proactive with people going solar they split the bill into something that you have to pay even if you never use a watt of their energy.

In your case, compare usage, you must be using a ton more power then you used to. look up on tier page they typically have graphs to show you month to month year to year consumption numbers


doobie042 t1_j3zk0bj wrote

The admin fees are for that and used to be $13. Delivery charges are based on usage.


RustedMauss OP t1_j411s07 wrote

You mention tiers. We’re on Eversource, but I can’t seem to find anything on that. We’ve definitely gone up in usage, though like I said at best maybe 20% year over year. Is this something that once you go up a “tier” you’re just automatically going to be paying a higher percentage? That’s what’s throwing me. I can understand more use = higher bill, what doesn’t make sense is more use = higher bill AND substantially higher delivery.