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1carus_x OP t1_j42j03a wrote

I guess you completely missed the part where enacting the bill would further hurt cis women and even make it easier for predators, if anything he could simply claim he's a trans man

I am well aware it doesn't happen. It's called using their logic, if they're so insistant on believing a cis man would pretend to be a trans woman, it could be far easier to just pretend to be a trans man if this bill passes


savingeverybody t1_j42yqxf wrote

Nobody does this. This is a boogeyman scenario and it's just stupid. I welcome all trans women into women's restrooms. They deserve to be safe. Trans-women are way more likely to get hurt and beat up just for existing, than cis-women are likely to be stalked by a predator pretending to be a trans-woman in a bathroom.


MahBoy t1_j43k74e wrote

Yeah, but do you actually care what cis-women want?

There are plenty of cis-women out there who don't want biological men in their bathrooms. What about them? Are you advocating for denying women their own private, intimate space?


5teerPike t1_j45bx4g wrote

Cis women are being attacked if they don't look female enough to terfs. So how about this; mind your business and I'll mind mine.

Excuse me, what exactly is intimate about pissing in a public toilet.


billegoat45 t1_j444fjw wrote

Lol nice job with the terf rhetoric. There’s no such thing as “biological man” man is a descriptor for adult male, which begs the question; at what point does someone become a man? The day they turn 18, or based on development, and at what point then? If based on the day they turn 18, then that’s not very biological as bodies develop at different rates, it would be social. Man is a social category and cannot be biological. Either way, I highly doubt you give a fuck what cis women want, you just want to be transphobic.


MahBoy t1_j44g1p6 wrote

Biological man means that you have XY chromosome pairings, testes, a penis, and a prostate.

Biological woman means that you have XX chromosome pairings, ovaries, uterus, vulva, vagina, clitoris, etc.

To say that there’s “no such thing as a ‘biological man’” is just… not rooted in reality. Yes there is. Just as there are biological women. Chromosomes matter. Sex traits matter. Being a ‘man’ or a ‘woman’ is not a social category - it comes down to genetic expressions of physical characteristics. Your DNA, chromosome pairings, and genetic traits make up your physical vessel. That isn’t a ‘social construct’ or whatever you’d want to call it.

I’m not a “transphobic” person, either. I’ve met and got along with plenty of people who identify with being transgender. And you know why? Because they agree with what I’ve laid out.

People like you are so wrapped up in virtue signaling and so-called social justice that you have lost track of what the real world actually is. Best of luck to you out there. Crack open an anatomy book some time and maybe some books that explain puberty - you may learn something.


1carus_x OP t1_j44wutg wrote

🥱 anyways, intersex people exist, and always have. My high school text book mentioned intersex, sorry you're a dinosaur and don't know modern medicine. I've done my attempt to educate


savingeverybody t1_j46bdpj wrote

I am a cis-woman... Yes, I care about what I think about this.

No cis-women I know care about this. It's a right wing taking point that has no basis in reality.


warren_stupidity t1_j43c56c wrote

maybe we ought to have biological sex (which is a meaningless term) segregated , parking lots, as they actually are a frequent location for sexual assaults, unlike bathrooms.


asuds t1_j43d0m7 wrote

We are going to need to build a whole bunch of bathrooms as there are a whole lot of biological sexes. Sure there are XX and XY but also XXY and so forth… or we could give up on the nonsense and have “bathrooms”. Wild idea I know, but so crazy it just might work!