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B1naryD1git t1_j44ffow wrote

I admit I only know about the 2 bathrooms. May not have even passed high school biology


5teerPike t1_j45aqcj wrote

Public unisex bathrooms were never a problem until somebody told you trans people also use them.


B1naryD1git t1_j46r4we wrote

I don't have a problem with any of them just like I think weirdo goths and juggalos can do whatever hell they want. I still think they are weirdos though


5teerPike t1_j46rgq6 wrote

I wouldn't compare a gender identity to a costume, personally. Seeing as one is a choice & the other isn't.

I'm non binary, what do you want to know?


1carus_x OP t1_j46ai6h wrote

Wow I can't believe you actually admitted it lmao. Admitting it is the first step, here's a quick reading to catch you up on modern science, it's really quite fascinating all the ways the body can develop, here's more in the most common ones