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MysteryOil OP t1_j6p31hc wrote

Exactly. Thank you. I have plenty of painfully justifiable PTSD from Texas re: flooding (from any heavy rain), hurricanes, and colder-than-usual weather. So I'm generally just expecting frozen zombies and polar bears to attack me on Friday night, and no one will hear my screams. And yes. Big(gest) anxiety is absolutely around not knowing how the house works in these temps, and whether or not it will explode or-- whatever the opposite of exploding is.


GFanFan t1_j6pjnsm wrote

I'm a former New Englander and current Texan so I understand your anxiety. The Freeze™ was legitimately scary but what pissed me off the most was how many blizzards, ice storms, and sub-zero temps I lived through without so much as a second thought in New England. It goes to show you the value of proper infrastructure.