Submitted by IBlazeMyOwnPath t3_10f8smg in newhampshire
BlankPages t1_j4vfqc7 wrote
This won't have any effect on the number of votes the Dem nominees in NH get 11/5/2024, and no effect on the general election result. Also, no Democrat nationwide cares about some other state than NH being FITN
warpedaeroplane t1_j4vm7oi wrote
Almost like some of them do have the interests of the state in mind and not just the party. FITN has its benefits for the state.
BloodySox t1_j4vp700 wrote
The hospitality industry gets a big boost from all of the staffers and media needing hotel rooms for months on end. Not to mention, all of the money that WMUR and the radio stations across the state take in from the campaign ads.
I'd be interested in a study on the economic impact of the FITN primary.
FreezingRobot t1_j4vr90a wrote
They're going to do the primary as usual here, regardless of whether or not the delegates get penalized for not listening to the national party. The momentum of candidates is what's important (supposedly).
In 2020, there were 24 delegates up for grabs in NH, and there were 3979 total. Those 24 "not counting" doesn't really matter.
WapsuSisilija t1_j4vz6dx wrote
It's time to let it go.
IntelligentMeal40 t1_j4w5qa7 wrote
I keep trying to figure out why this even matters and so far I’ve got nothing. Like seriously, besides feeling special, doesn’t matter at all in the outcome of the election if we go first?
kathryn13 t1_j4w5wck wrote
Also, staging, AV, professional photographers and videographers, and the colleges that benefit from enrollment from the political access FITN offers.
HowardNelsonJr t1_j4w8iq0 wrote
Wow!! I’m honestly surprised.
SkiingAway t1_j4w92e0 wrote
> FITN has its benefits for the state.
With that said, am I supposed to support NH being first every year...."because we said so"? I don't really see why we should be perpetually special even if it is beneficial to the state.
Something can be good for the state and also not really make any sense in terms of fairness.
JonDowd762 t1_j4wnqwo wrote
NH politicians overestimate how much the general population cares about the FITN primary.
But NH isn't going to move its primary. SC and GA aren't going to move theirs either. They would all require Republicans doing the bidding of the DNC. And I'm not sure why the DNC thinks holding delegates hostage is going to convince Sununu to change the law.
If the DNC really wants to move NH back in the schedule it's going to require some real threats, and possibly also the cooperation of the RNC.
GreatGrandaddyPurp t1_j4x053o wrote
Nope, just something people worry about when they don't have anything worth worrying about.
Simon_Jester88 t1_j4x628u wrote
It's so politicians can make empty promises in NH before they make empty promises in other states.
lantonas t1_j4x6v63 wrote
This sounds like democrats perpetuating white supremacy!
UnfairAd7220 t1_j4xjp9r wrote
LOL! What a shit show.
Doesn't matter. Scanlan calls the ball...
What democrats DO with the primary result will be what's most interesting...
Wide_Television_7074 t1_j4xo6px wrote
Biden screwing NH yet again — how can anyone support this geriatric
valleyman02 t1_j4xtuvs wrote
I know it hard to believe but the RNC the Republican nor the state get to tell the DNC how to run there primary. Not that I am surprised they will try. Personal I think this just show how the 2 parties can't work together even on basic fundamentals problems.
[deleted] t1_j4y1cz6 wrote
KrissaKray t1_j4y72ye wrote
Short answer? Yes.
KrissaKray t1_j4y78au wrote
Biden’s just mad he lost here at FITN and is being a petty brat about it.
SkiingAway t1_j4yarx9 wrote
I mean, that's an opinion I suppose.
Given that there's 49 other states, I'm not seeing why they'd agree that NH deserves to be the most important in perpetuity.
At best I've got "NH is a swing state"...but that'd still suggest it should rotate at least a bit between a few swing states. Or that a bunch of them should be on the same day.
asuds t1_j4ylg09 wrote
Of course. After all you are a special snowflake.
asuds t1_j4yllua wrote
Or maybe they want to have a state that at least vaguely resembles the us population…
asuds t1_j4ylqfx wrote
Because they are smarter than people that support the GOP.
Wide_Television_7074 t1_j4ym300 wrote
what? Biden is a crooked geriatric who has been stealing from and lying to taxpayers for 48 years in public office — there’s no defending such a toxic, racist, thief
asuds t1_j4ym9os wrote
Sure thing there lil’buddy. And just think that’s just what you the blind man has found on the laptopz… just wait until you clear out the underground submarine tunnels!
Wide_Television_7074 t1_j4ynfpf wrote
funny you call those who see right through crooked Biden “blind” — are you tired from all the mental gymnastics to explain away all his blunders and misdeeds?
asuds t1_j4yns9m wrote
The computer repair shop guy was legally blind. I guess you guys just never get the facts. Like ever. Pretty wild that you all still have heedless opinions. But what else could you have I suppose…
Wide_Television_7074 t1_j4yprkl wrote
I’m an independent— I don’t care if the repair guy was blind, I’m not talking about Hunter Biden, I’m talking about Joe Biden. Joe has been corrupt for 48 years, Hunter is junior varsity corrupt compared to the big guy.
KrissaKray t1_j4zluzt wrote
How do you gather that from a three word answer? Get a life. 😂
asuds t1_j4zwmsc wrote
Sure thing. I’m don’t doubt that you believe what you have been told.
Wide_Television_7074 t1_j509ro1 wrote
does take much research, Biden has hundreds of videos where he says something so distasteful, racist, or corrupt/crony. just open your eyes, it’s not hard.
JonDowd762 t1_j514pfk wrote
The primary is run by the state. The SoS will schedule the primary according to law, not according to the preferences of one party. Sununu is a Republican and isn’t going to sign a law because the DNC asks him to. And fwiw a Democratic governor probably wouldn’t either.
JonDowd762 t1_j514ytu wrote
Yes, the NH primary is about attention not delegates. Unless the DNC threatens that there will be no change.
Wtfisgoinonhere t1_j51j1l3 wrote
Found the trumpster
Jean-Paul_Sartre t1_j51z5nr wrote
I mean... so did Obama, Dubya, and Clinton. Trump is the first FITN primary winner to go onto win the nomination and then the presidency since Bush in 1988. We aren't exactly sending our top choices to the White House... and the one time we did recently, look how that turned out lol...
Wide_Television_7074 t1_j53bth1 wrote
nope, independent that sees Biden for who he is. 48 years of corruption.
[deleted] t1_j5um9q7 wrote
Key-Ad-854 t1_j5v8146 wrote
We don’t want you here.
-Kind regards,
New Hampshire
[deleted] t1_j4vcfg9 wrote