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falafelfella t1_j7qd6hy wrote

This is u/mattfantastic ‘s spot?? You good? Our cafe was hit with a fire recently too.


MattFantastic t1_j7r81db wrote

We’re all doing ok. It’s not ideal, but there is a bright side to look at for sure. And fortunately we’re in a position where we’ve been able to keep paying everyone for shifts while we’re closed so thankfully it hasn’t been too much of a disruption in people’s lives.


Ambartenen t1_j7s9t9b wrote

If every CEO handled things like you (regarding paying your staff during closure) the world would be a much, much better place.

I wish I could express how deeply incredible I find you and this information. I teared up a little. Holding my daughters hand right now and hoping she grows up in a world where your actions are considered the “norm”.

Thank you.


MattFantastic t1_j7udoba wrote

Aww damn, thanks for saying that. I agree that the world could be a lot better than it is if people would just be kind to each other. It feels good to hear stuff like this, but it’s also kind of a bummer that just being decent to your employees is considered noteworthy.


flyingfred1027 t1_j7rc220 wrote

Glad no one was hurt. I hope you guys are up and running soon!