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ShamusTheClown t1_j853cd7 wrote

You can't fix stupid, unfortunately.

Though this new design will be a significant improvement, and make it easier for everyone to use.


thepianoman456 t1_j85ik86 wrote

As someone who uses that intersection a lot, this is a great improvement. Either people would fly down that road, or people would drive overly timidly through it. Roundabouts are great.


beaveristired t1_j866ax3 wrote

The one in Beaver Hills has definitely improved traffic safety. Witnessed a lot of accidents there before the roundabout was put in. Now occasionally someone will misjudge and hit a curb or a sign, but better a minor one-car accident at slow speeds than a multi-car accident at 60 mph. Still a lot of work that needs to be done to slow speeds approaching the roundabout, but it’s been a major improvement imo.

Eta: the bike lane in BH also need work, same with pedestrian crossings.


[deleted] t1_j857v9t wrote



ShamusTheClown t1_j859hsd wrote

I would agree that they should have used a much stronger material for the bollards. The plastic is just way too easy to break off, and that kind of defeats the purpose of protecting the bike lane.


tholdawa t1_j869hnr wrote

It's so drivers don't kill themselves with their stupidity (only bystanders).