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Delphine39 t1_j8hsj5n wrote

$2,000 is a month is beyond crazy expensive. Look up “Calvin Hill” at Foote- for psych ward level crazy 😜- I lived in New Haven as my daughter turned three. I could throw a rock and hit Beecher, Sheridan or Davis. My daughter was on the waiting list. Both for pre-K 3, and 4. She eventually went to the “Blake street learning center” (not there anymore) - and though it had painfully little resources, curriculum and budget compared to any magnet school, I am so happy she got the educational experience of diversity and life skills in addition to teachers who gave their all and genuinely cared- (shout out to Mrs. Duarte, Mrs. Correrea, and Grandma!) The lottery magnet school system is a racket and all about who you know, go to church with, have pull with, etc. To all the suburban families who took advantage of using the Lottery to have their kids go to Davis and Beecher, etc. for their newfound (then) academic excellence, fully knowing you were going to pull them out and back to your wealthier suburban public school or a private school for K- forward, I doubt that you thought about the struggling single working parents who lived in New Haven who had to “compete” with your child for a spot in free pre-k 3 and 4 at a school right in their own neighborhood. This was 10 years ago, I don’t know if it’s different or better now. Edit: I sound really bitter here, that wasn’t my intention!


One-Awareness-5818 t1_j8kbd26 wrote

I actually look them up and at 100k income, you pay 10k a year which is like 1k a month which is only 200$ more expensive than the church date care, so it doesn't seem that bad. Getting in seems hard.

Edit: family of four with 70k or less, school is free