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RoiTainMent t1_jbewhzk wrote

So the sign is stupid as fuck and I hate always passing by it every day. But damn I can appreciate the effort


thesheepynurturer t1_jbf5ufq wrote

He used to have a big blown up still from his security camera of someone stealing his trump sign and it said “stop the steal” at the bottom. The photo was practically illegible from the road. I pass by there most days and I thought it was someone tied to a tree the first several times I saw it, which was horrifying until I got a better look lol. So yeah, the effort doesn’t really seem to pay off in the effectiveness of the messaging. They’re just kind of doing big inside jokes with themselves as huge custom made signs? Do you bruh, throw away that money ¯_(ツ)_/¯


Beast0fBurden t1_jbfw90t wrote

Mommy and Daddy pay all the bills so he’s got money to waste