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AtheismTooStronk t1_jconrbf wrote

Who approved an 8 day deadline to demolish the tents? This had to pass by the mayor’s office and nothing in the article says otherwise.


6th__extinction t1_jcoohbz wrote

No one has a solution. My partner volunteers at the site, women are assaulted/raped, piles of diarrhea, drunk fights, needles, rodents, etc. 5 days ago a woman was gang raped at this site.


buried_lede t1_jcr0iwh wrote

If they could rely on police and not have to hide from police, they could enforce camp rules and prevent assaults. When someone tries to break into your house, you can call police, but this is denied to them, then we complain there is an assault!

And if your partner works with them, and you turn around and say Elicker had no choice, well, what are you saying? So is Cornell Scott recommending these camps be bulldozed? If so, Shame on them and their parochialism and short sightedness.

In the story link you sent me, the nurse even recommends they stay out of the shelters to avoid Covid, but bulldoze the camp? Is that nurse you? Your partner?

I’m not at all comfortable with your position. It’s absolutely punishing to support closing the camp


IslandStateofMind t1_jcp1v8h wrote

This was at the tent city? That’s horrific. Any reporting on this?


6th__extinction t1_jcq43dr wrote

No coverage, things like that happen more frequently than people think. A lot of the women are addicted to drugs or sex workers and aren’t comfortable talking to police. The victim of the gang rape did not speak English, for example. She was cared for at Cornell Scott.


buried_lede t1_jcpa6x8 wrote

What site? In the mill river? That article is about the Mill River in 2016. That’s not this site. What do you mean you volunteer there? What do you do? How could a volunteer be competent with homeless people if he wants to destroy their property and not offer permanent housing? Quite a “volunteer”


buried_lede t1_jcp9w21 wrote

That story is from 2016. I don’t know what your point is