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bingybunny t1_iwqz9jx wrote

>he east haven school system is not good

yeah, traditionally the trumpy Italians send their kids to Catholic school. if you do private school there's nice parts of east haven to raise a small child. Momaguin or Cosey Beach if you can afford it gets you in a quiet area to walk, ride bikes and swim.

East Haven has some of the best saltwater kayaking in the north east though. There's a maze of tiny islands that goes from east haven through branford and a bunch of accessible rivers

i'd avoid east haven public schools if that's your plan


captkeith t1_iwt2n3u wrote

But I’m raising a large child.


bingybunny t1_ixmhvcw wrote

If it's a boy he'd dominate the playground and get a cool 'Staven nickname like Moose or Bundy or el Oso