Plantpoweredbeeyotch t1_ixb8g3t wrote
Just don't, imo.. everyone knows everyone else and everyone is in your business dating in New haven and I'm 36.
tholdawa t1_ixbbp43 wrote
That's the fun part!
Plantpoweredbeeyotch t1_ixbo4qs wrote
Lol it's all fun and games until you're with someone and they have like 5 kids, 5 side dudes, a wife and 10 situationships 🤣
Crafty-Cauliflower-6 t1_ixce4o1 wrote
Change who you hang out with 😀
Plantpoweredbeeyotch t1_ixcgzbb wrote
Its dating in the whole state lmao. Lived in New haven my whole life.
Beneficial_Ad_6921 t1_ixcof0c wrote
The kind of people you date are dependent on who you are and what you attract. Anywhere.
MegaMillion94 t1_ixdfc8u wrote
U right with everyone knows everyone. They only know u if u hang around people who talk a lot. control who u speak to about your datingships and you’ll be good. I’ve live here I’m 28 everyone knew me now they ask for me:)
VesperDuPont18 t1_ixnfhp2 wrote
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