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Ecofre-33919 t1_j11x77h wrote

Have you been trying retail stores? They often want temporary holiday help. Bad news is you lose the job in january though.

Try mcdonalds, target and walmart too.

Are you looking on indeed and craigslist?

Try restaurants too. You could start in the kitchen as dishwasher or as a hostess seating people or even a bus person.

My nephew just got a job at a subway part time.


coollemon319 OP t1_j11xgfv wrote

Yeah, I've applied A LOT on Indeed but to no avail. I'll check out other retail stores and restaurants for open positions. Thank you.


Ecofre-33919 t1_j11xzky wrote

Sometimes its better just to go in person to fill out the application vs all online. You meet the manager, get their name and then can follow up. Yeah you might go in and just be told to apply online. But 3 years ago when i was a counselor i took two kids store to store to ask about jobs. We went in to a home goods and happened to speak to the manager. She hired both kids.

Its just law of averages. Eventually someone will say yes. Just don’t get discouraged.


coollemon319 OP t1_j11yc0n wrote

Okay, I'll definitely try that! I think it might help give me a better chance, thanks again for the help!