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100percent100percent t1_j294gzi wrote

Why not build raised crossings and better pedestrian infrastructure instead of narrowing traffic lanes which I imagine will cause even more traffic? Obviously pedestrian safety is priority but this feels like a band-aid. You fix the problem with actual pedestrian and bike focused infrastructure that keeps cars from physically hitting them.

Edit: dowvoted for... promoting effective infrastructure that actually saves lives.... okay...?


tillythegringo t1_j29dchi wrote

I agree bike lanes should be separated, but forcing people to walk across a few specific crossings (that will likely never get built anyways due to building cost and maintenance) will just make people want to jaywalk anyways. Also pedestrian overpasses just kinda suck for pedestrians as well, look at some of the overpasses and plazas in Hartford, nobody uses them.


GetRightNYC t1_j2ax1re wrote

They're going to. It's just for now. I live off a side street from El Grasso. They were racing there all night every night. A couple weeks before they put the cones up an elderly man was killed from racers, before that 2 kids, before that another kid, last year a few more. A temp fix is better than nothing.

This was done to stop the racing any way they could, as quick as the could.


ayentelmen t1_j29dikg wrote

To build that infrastructure you first need to reclaim space from cars, so it's a good start. Might be a budget issue not to go all-in with the pedestrian infrastructure.