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TofuTheBlackCat OP t1_j5yri7m wrote

Reply to comment by OpelSmith in Food question! by TofuTheBlackCat

Thank you thank you!!!!!! I think this has been the most helpful. I love Tibetan food, and also considering Kuro Shiro! <3


OpelSmith t1_j5ysesm wrote

Fair warning, Tibetan Kitchen has a pretty small interior, and have become quite popular. So there may be a wait. If you want to order out though, they have a pretty old school method of just asking for like B15 and D6, etc, they're probably aware most of us can't pronounce the food names


SustainableNHV t1_j5zurum wrote

Kuro Shiro is awesome, and I would highly recommend leaving yourself some time to wander around 9th Square, mostly Orange and Crown Streets, between the square formed by Church/Chapel/State/George Streets.