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celcel t1_j8oypvb wrote

Go in the morning or before school's out and there won't be much kids.


milkcustard t1_j8pg3f8 wrote

None that I know of. Usually go to the Alamo Drafthouse for that, and the closest one is in NYC.


theweewok t1_j8pt6xn wrote

I’ll be damned but I’ve seen little kids at movie theaters all hours of the day. Some parents are a-holes.


Holtzc321 t1_j8pknc9 wrote

Showroom Cinema in asbury is a independent theater. Usually show movies kids would not really watch. Also AMC Theaters after 6 pm you need to come to the theater if you aren’t 18 you need someone who is 21 and over to get in the theater.


beeeps-n-booops t1_j8pvbgm wrote

Waiting for someone to open a movie theater where you have to leave your phone in the car.


Haijinks t1_j8qc9tv wrote

AMC’s Cinema Suite auditoriums in their Dine-In Cinemas are supposed to be 21+.