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t1_j8pbjw0 wrote

Worst - Route 22, up around Union. SO hard to enter onto, or cross over to get to any side you need to exit off of without nearly getting killed.


t1_j8pxvlw wrote

They all stink. But I've always had a special, deep hatred for Rt 1. All of it.


t1_j8rb8vn wrote

I learned recently that Wayne Gretzky was commonly counted as 2 separate players for fantasy hockey purposes (goals Gretzky and assists Gretzky), just to keep things fair. I feel like you have to do something similar for Rt 1 in the “worst road in NJ” contest. So what’s worse: Rt 1- Trenton to South Brunswick, Rt1- SB to Woodbridge, or Rt 1- WB to the GWB?


t1_j8sqd5r wrote

Think it’s gotta be SB-Woodbridge. That Edison traffic can be brutal


t1_j8pg3y4 wrote

Favorite is GSP south of Barnegat. Least favorite is Rt. 36 north in the summer😭especially leaving Sandy Hook


t1_j8rqc9r wrote

Lived in highlands for a couple of years… you basically can’t drive out of the town in any direction in the summer.


t1_j8wx4fi wrote

You should have seen it 30 years ago or even 10 years ago. I am in Atlantic highlands and back in the day you prayed for shitty weather on weekends. You just could not move once Sandy Hook parking closed (usually by 8:30 am). People would picnic on the median between Atlantic highlands and highlands because traffic just stopped dead. Nobody (bennys) knew where to go so all of 36 just crawled south, then throw in the old drawbridge opening up or the beach clubs in seabright. The new bridge helps alot and traffic is nowhere like it was. Route 36 north on a nice Sunday late afternoon still sucks.


t1_j8pjx0i wrote

Favorite: 287 up in the mountains by Oakland

Least Favorite: 202, 22 and 206 in the vicinity of Somerville Circle. Also 22 from Union to Mountainside.


t1_j8pzujl wrote

I love the turnpike north of the GSP. Views of the city, bridges, and planes taking off and landing alongside you. 287 traffic can suck but driving on it feels like an adventure. Makes you feel alive.


t1_j8pcibe wrote

Favorite: I-80…I never encounter a lot of traffic and there’s not a toll every 3 minutes

Least Favorite: I-78/I-9 near Newark Airport

  • Runner Up: GSP
  • Not a highway but I hate the entirety of Tonnelle Ave in Hudson County/North Bergen area

Route 17 south of the I-80 is ok…but 17 north of the I-80 heading towards Paramus sucks.


t1_j8qhygy wrote

Tonnelle is the worst. Especially after a winter when the pot holes will swallow your car.


t1_j8pkiqs wrote

I agree with all this. I’d like to add RT4 to it too, its very dangerous to merge into and out of. Everyone is always speeding and its dark in some parts, which makes it hard to find certain exits.


t1_j8pkpye wrote

Favorite: I have a sweet spot for 21 north of Newark. Windows down, playing My Chemical Romance, it just feels so quintessentially Jersey. Least Favorite: 1&9 Truck in Jersey City. Yuck.


t1_j8pu7li wrote

Worst 287 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻


t1_j8woron wrote

Which portion? Is it congested a lot? Considering moving to Bridgewater and wonder if it is blocked anywhere near that.


t1_j8x7qrd wrote

287 south of bridgewater is a nightmare in both directions during rush hour


t1_j8pwqa5 wrote

Favorite is Route 29 from Trenton to Frenchtown.

(The PA side is better though and I would argue one of the nicest drives in the East), basically it hugs the river more than 29 does.

Worst - I second Route 22 in Union. I still want to see a movie with an evil villain who then forces his nemesis to walk across it at rush hour, and seeing the protagonist as scared as if they were walking the plank.


t1_j8pfq3k wrote

18 from East Brunswick North and 42 on Friday in the summer


t1_j8pk18s wrote

Route 130 can suck allllll of the dick. Also route 38… and route 73. Favorite? Pass


t1_j8py26t wrote

I lived in Cherry Hill/other parts of Camden County for 10 years and can't agree enough. 130 is great if you want to get your adrenaline pumping because people who drive on it are nuts. But I'll add 295 is nice when it's not rush hour or having construction.


t1_j8pywmv wrote

130 also has two lights with like 20 feet of each other that aren’t delayed. They turn yellow and red at the same time so if you just happen to catch yellow for one you’re blowing through a cross section at the second (I think it’s Burlington township or cinnaminson)


t1_j8qfeiz wrote

Rt 31 is the worst. It changes from 2 lanes to 1 several times. And you can be sure there will always be a slow moving truck in front of you.


t1_j8tlwgq wrote

But Rt. 31 from Lawrence up through to Hopewell or thereabouts is a beautiful drive in the fall.


t1_j8rtuv6 wrote

Favorite: NJ Turnpike. I'm good at planning my drives and I'm never in a rush. I stick in the right lane and let the road lead me. No matter what part of the state you're in, this highway is very easy to drive.

Least favorite: GSP. whether it's the 5 lanes up north or 2 lanes down south, no one is in the correct lane for their speed. Too many wildcards to remain in the right lane, everyone is weaving and swerving in the left lane (or you're just getting undertaken by someone doing 10+ mph faster than you).


t1_j8sg02j wrote

Favorite? Pip. it’s get so nice the more north you go, and in the autumn it’s awesome

Worst? Rt 4, the entrance in fort lee off the bridge is a nightmare especially in the summer


t1_j8pj1pd wrote

Route 130 is my favorite, so many people are afraid to drive on the tight lanes that it's one of the few roads without major traffic in most parts.

GSP during the summer is by far my least favorite.


t1_j8ptbxb wrote

80 is nice to cruise on in off-peak hours.

Bonus points that you can take it across the entire country coast-to-coast. Which I've done in the reverse direction i.e. CA -> NJ


t1_j9779pr wrote

It is, the roadway is nice and new and fresh, but why is there so much trash in median?


t1_j8q39ly wrote

Can't believe this hasn't been mentioned yet but 21 sucks huge nuts. Twists and curves every, bumpy as fuck. Seriously who the fucks idea was it leave patches of annoying asphalt throughout that shit hole. Is it that hard to smooth it flush with the rest of the highway? And forget about going even further north it's the shittiest bridge with scattered with holes, bumps, and little rocks everywhere. Most of the roads in north NJ suck and tolls still keep going and no one does fuck all to fix them!

Oh, and what's the deal with that shitty ass bridge off the Kearny exit to 95 South? It's a big ass dips and bumps off each slab on that stupid shitty ass bridge. Is it really that hard to fix those stupid fucking things? And forget about going even further south? Who in the fucking idea was it to make it part asphalt and cement every god fucking damn 20 feet??? There has to be a good was why that shit was designed that way right? Never in my life have I driven over shit roads in NJ. Fuck it!


t1_j8sk4v2 wrote

Rt 21 you drive to survive on that highway


t1_j8t3cd9 wrote

All of route 1&9 in North Jersey is bad. But the Tonnelle Ave portion through Hudson county is the worst. It's a fucking death trap. Every week it feels like either a pedestrian gets hit or somebody flips their car.


t1_j8tjwir wrote

favorite turnpike, least favorite rt1 or rt36 just the amount of stoplights and traffic


t1_j8u27d4 wrote

Favorite - turnpike during off hours. Least favorite - 17 at anytime. Honorable mention the parkway because it gets me to the shore 🙃


t1_j8y47q2 wrote

Favorite: The Turnpike during off hours, specifically going south.

Least Favorite: Route 22, Union. It's a nightmare.


t1_j9772mx wrote

Why is there so much trash in the medians? Route 80 for example. Who is responsible for maintaining/cleaning up the median?