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murphydcat t1_j6x6njs wrote

If I had $1 for every time someone asked if I saw the Jersey Devil after a walk in the Pine Barrens, I'd be able to afford to buy a house in NJ by now.


PickleLS10 t1_j6xkhjk wrote

Enough to pay over asking? If so, that's a lot!


murphydcat t1_j6xl63a wrote

That would require receiving $1 for every time I was asked if I found the missing Russian mobster who went missing in the Pine Barrens during The Sopranos LOL.


dakat999 t1_j6zxaf7 wrote

Wasn’t he just an interior decorator?


GhostyLasers t1_j701lt9 wrote

A more interesting sighting I would love to hear about is if somebody spotted a Timber Rattlesnake in the Pine Barrens. They are much more elusive than the devil.


pumpkinspicecavalier t1_j70bxyq wrote

My husband and I saw a rattlesnake that had been hit by a car on the side of Lacey Road in Forked River like 5 years ago? People from Popcorn Park Zoo were there with it but I don’t know the outcome.


murphydcat t1_j702kmd wrote

Love me some Crotalus horridus although I give them a wide birth in the pines.