Submitted by peanutthemouse t3_11bs6v0 in newjersey

Anyone know what they are protesting on the corner of Main St in Rockaway? Signs say things like “Honk for Freedom” and one sign that had the T slur, but I couldn’t make sense of the sentence. I’m assuming it’s just general ignorance, but I’m too curious for my own good.

Edit: typo :(



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IntoTheMirror t1_j9zqq8w wrote

They’ve been saying for the past few days that today was gonna be something something day of hate rally.


[deleted] t1_j9ztt7h wrote

They've been there for months. I see them when I drive to Jersey Girl Cheese down the street. I opened my window and yelled fuck you at them and they weren't expecting that. They are an anti-everything "look at me" meetup.


I_Am_Skipples t1_ja049it wrote

They’re there most weekends. We head to Missy’s for breakfast a fair bit and they’re always out there… with their signs that don’t really make much sense. I’ve been told I can’t yell obscenities at them by my usual passenger.


valeofraritan t1_ja0ok7d wrote

For years there was a guy in a lawn chair every Saturday protesting God knows what in front of the Hillsborough Post Office. These make him look like a deep thinker.


Front_Pause_4334 t1_ja1dog9 wrote

I assume that hosing them with a super soaker full of milk is some type of assault? (Asking for a friend)


ToastedSimian t1_ja1t0lt wrote

One of their big platforms is antivax. I just can't imagine wasting every Saturday morning to look like a bunch of twats. Every time you drive by, they really try to engage you.

Edit; spelling


that_guy_Elbs t1_ja1x1tw wrote

Hey that’s my town! Idk I haven’t seen them maybe they are there when I’m at work?


Lease_woodcox t1_ja2aezi wrote

Oh God! Not these people! I live in Rockaway and these nut jobs put propaganda flyers to "join them"in my mailbox!!!


NewJerseyLefty t1_ja32rf1 wrote

let me guess, a group of conservative right wingers or "libertarians" whining about social issues that do not concern them at all?


StinkyTheMonkey t1_ja37q8r wrote

What they should be protesting is the timing of that traffic light. Wait forever on Franklin just for a short green where only a few cars can make the turn.


4201776 t1_ja3bby9 wrote

OP from the photo someone else posted in this thread, the sign read "tyranny" and the other guy has something about bodily autonomy, looks like they're protesting vaccine mandates.


bknavratil t1_ja3n49l wrote

Oh hey this is my hometown. What a weird spot for that, though? I’d think they get more visibility at the three-way intersection by Anthony’s, like a half mile up the street. The bar there also seems pretty MAGA friendly, which I found out last time I went home last summer.