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swoonmermaid t1_j99xgy1 wrote

I mean it’s easily 200 to move the sofa sometimes more, why would you think that’s free? And the paint for the walls is also not free as well as the labor to sparkle and paint everything + clean the entire apartment cuz it doesn’t sound like you did that either lol I’m assuming you stayed past the rental agreement and that triggered the next week of payment. Half the deposit is standard for the mess left behind Again - it’s not their job to dismantle your sofa. Depending on size that could’ve been $300 for labor and services. I just paid 270 to have mine picked up, lease agreements usually have a standard cleaning fee and yes it can be up to half the deposit. This is why it’s generally a good idea to do all that stuff yourself if you want to even hope to expect a full deposit back!


Brilliant-Sun-563 OP t1_j9ag583 wrote

The point is, I agree there may have been misunderstandings so I'm willing to pay for half the cost he is charging me. But does that relieve him from returning the deposit/itemized deductions after 75 days?


Brilliant-Sun-563 OP t1_j9a9z2q wrote

Thanks. While I agree that the couch and paint are my responsibility. However, I've mentioned in the original post, the landlord not only agreed but assured me that he will take care of it and I need not worry about it. Later he flipped and charged me for all these expenses. Hence the question about returning the deposit after 75 days.


Banana_bride t1_j9af56v wrote

Did he say he could take care of it for free specifically at no charge or did you assume that??


Brilliant-Sun-563 OP t1_j9afqq8 wrote

He didn't say specifically for free. We brought it in through the backyard because it wasn't fitting through the front door. Eventually, the owner completely filled the backyard with his things making it impossible to move it. We had requested him a week before moving to clear his things so that we could take the couch out which he didn't do. We also had construction work going next door which had caused issues and he specifically said that the construction guys owe him favors so he will have them take care of it and we need not worry about it. This is why I assumed we wouldn't be charging for it.


Brilliant-Sun-563 OP t1_j9ag5r1 wrote

The point is, I agree there may have been misunderstandings so I'm willing to pay for half the cost he is charging me. But does that relieve him from returning the deposit/itemized deductions after 75 days?


Banana_bride t1_j9agskf wrote

I’m not a lawyer, I’m not sure. But is all do this worth it? They returned the deposit late but you also violated the lease agreement. I would just cut your losses and move on. Their charges aren’t outrageous especially if they hired someone.


swoonmermaid t1_j9f26pl wrote

Landlords are scum I’m not gonna fight you on that one lol! 75 days is long! Hope your journey going forward is much smoother, good luck