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jawnbaejaeger t1_j9tzzjs wrote

I moved out for the first time at 24, a few months out of college, but for various reasons (including a medical emergency back when ACA wasn't a thing and I was still on 90 probation), I had to move back home. I was only making $27k at the time. Rent had been about $1100 for a 2 bedroom, split between me and my roommate.

5 months later, I took a job out of the country and was away for 2 years.

On return, my partner and I stayed with her parents for about a year while we saved enough money for both a wedding and to move out. A mutual friend of ours joined us, and we got a 2 bedroom apartment that was probably $1200 a month. Very simple, no WD or dishwasher or anything, but it was great. We stayed there for 3 years, and have lived in various places since.

We bought a home in Bergen County in 2017.


sakhussain2020 OP t1_j9v0jma wrote

Glad it all worked out. I grew up in Bergen County great area, great place to start a family.