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mapoftasmania t1_j8r8waz wrote

Yes it means he is now pulling down $500k and has apparently turned padding overtime into an art form.


Dino1087 t1_j8u1dd3 wrote

Yeah or dismissed because there wasn’t a case. So little jerk offs like you can sit on a Reddit message board and bitch and moan about other peoples salary


mapoftasmania t1_j8u3sf6 wrote

What a tough guy. Obvious cop mentality. Weak.


Dino1087 t1_j8ur6f5 wrote

Not a tough guy or cop. Don’t even have cops In my family. Just tired of babies on the internet crucifying cops from their keyboard like they know it all


mapoftasmania t1_j8ureb3 wrote

So you think over half a million dollars a year is a fair salary for a cop?

Then you are a fucking idiot.