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t1_j9yhp4a wrote

"passing lane up to speed limit only" is always an odd comment. If everyone's going speed limit, no one's passing anybody.


t1_j9ynmsp wrote

If the red car isn't doing the right thing, the yellow car should slow down a little bit to allow some separation. Sometimes the red car subconsciously slows down too though.


t1_j9yp3ab wrote

The yellow car doesn't need to do shit for the green or red. Red needs to either speed the fuck up, or slow back down to get behind yellow. Red need to follow the fucking law and unless they're actively passing, get the fuck over.


t1_j9yqp4m wrote

Red car has NY plates...those asshats like to form an iron curtain of stupidity.


t1_j9yqx9d wrote

Stubborn hardheaded shit is staying in lane you're not supposed to be coasting in, and agitating a tailgater. Or being the asshole tailgating because you're impatient.

Yellow has no obligation, or duty to act to placate the tailgater, or make space for the other inept driver.


t1_j9yrlkq wrote

Ehhh I do this in the truck all the time. If there's a car next to me that doesn't get the hint that like I really don't want them directly next to me cuz dangerous, I'll hit the brakes.

Another trick is to just out your blinker on and then the person will speed up and pass you. That trick is my favorite one because it's hilarious. Someone will be riding next to me for like 2 miles at 65, I flip the left blinker on and within seconds they're doing 75 and then the line of cars behind them feel much relief.


t1_j9yv9vd wrote

Most infuriating are NYC livery drivers. Uber or Lyft with TLC taxi plates. I guess they spend their time in the city or outer boros where there is never enough open space - and they just don’t understand the unwritten rules of highway flow.


t1_j9yvr6v wrote

Right. If the yellow car sees this happening and is a bro they can step it up or hang back. They should’ve seen this coming and if they were on their game would’ve been out of the picture by the time green car arrived. Not all drivers are playing 3D chess tho.

Red car needs à taking to.


t1_j9ywwyr wrote

Everyone agrees the red car and tailgater are the most at fault in this situation. I'm not trying to debate that.

The point I'm trying to make is that the yellow car has some agency to diffusive the dangerous situation. They do in fact have a duty to drive defensively. Defensive driving means driving safely despite the actions of others, even if the rules are on your side.


t1_j9yy0n3 wrote

Exactly, if I'm the yellow car the last thing I want to do is get entangled with two idiots and be a part of some situation they're creating. I'll change my speed just to get out and do my own thing even if I wasn't causing the problem.


t1_j9z21fe wrote

80% the time green car is a bmw weaving in and out of the lanes getting mad at red and yellow for being in the way even though there are cars in front of them


t1_j9z3n5v wrote

If you are yellow car, I implore you to also have some awareness. It is not your responsibility but it never hurts to just slow down a bit to let someone over or whatever.

Red deserves nothing short of a painful death though.


t1_j9z4il8 wrote

Defensive driving would be the red car slowing, as recommended by every defensive driving course when being tailgated. Yellow should watch for the green one to try and cut them off if the space is created. Hug shoulder line as well if it's clear to do so.


t1_j9z4trg wrote

Or make it seem like you're going to try and pass them, every time you do it to a mainly city driving PA car they floor it suddenly. Half the time I slow and they do too because they just can't get out of the city driving mentality.


t1_j9zcqg8 wrote

Red car should just straight-up be hurled into the sun.


t1_j9zes33 wrote

red and yellow have not concept of maintaining a safety cushion / escape route in case of an emergency. you should never be side to side with another vehicle for more than 3-5 sec, especially when approaching interchanges where vehicles are merging on to your direction of travel.

this type of driving also promotes right lane hugger/speeders who weave in and out and speed on the right lane. often times, people trying to exit/move over to the right are caught unaware of vehicles approaching/trying to pass on the right causing accidents. often times, the fast vehicle on the right are never involved in these accidents as the vehicle trying to move right will over correct to the left, lose control, get hit by vehicle(s) in the passing and travel lanes.


t1_j9zfpi0 wrote

Exactly. If I was the yellow car, I’m not going to stick around for my safety. Win-win when traffic keeps flowing and I’m not in a compromised position for prolonged periods. Minimize crowding and you’re less likely got be surprised.


t1_j9zlkvu wrote

I do not believe this is a problem in NJ...

The left lane 95% of the time drives 15 miles over the speed limit while the right lane drives +-5 miles the speed limit.

This is a fake issue that continues to be posted.


t1_j9zluoe wrote

In your opinions does this count on non-highways? Think a busy 4-lane double-yellow like Bloomfield ave.


t1_j9zlvvo wrote

This is glorious, all my comments on here about people driving exactly like this (red is PA and yellow is NY) and now it’s an animation. You are a goddamn gentleman and a scholar.


t1_j9zno6y wrote

The worst is when there’s a line of cars tailgating yellow and I’m the green car with my exit coming up…trapped…now have to go to Cape May because I can never get over.


t1_j9zqv0q wrote

Accurate assessment of jackassery.. but I don't think anywhere in NJ the speed limit is 70 🤷‍♂️


t1_j9zx7p7 wrote

Even back when yellow cabbies were the best drivers in the city (20 years ago now) the livery guys were still awful despite them being basically yellow cab drivers to a degree (ie experienced with city driving), but with different cars. That said no NYC borough regular ever understands/learned highway rules and will be doing 45 in a 65, in the passing lane. Good new though, the troopers have been going after passing lane campers on stretches of the parkway. I've personally seen two pullovers and it's just so pleasing.


t1_j9zxbrk wrote

First off no one is going 2 under the speed limit in Nj unless you have PA plates. This example is more like 82/82 and still just trying to get by..


t1_ja0b004 wrote

That doesn't take place in NJ, we don't have 70 Speed Limit :P


t1_ja0ha2q wrote

The only problem is when I'm doing 68 with the cruise on, come up behind Mr yellow who is scrolling instagram and has slowed to 60, go to pass and Mr yellow suddenly realizes how slow he's going and speeds up to 68. Now here I am looking like an asshole riding in the left lane at the same speed as Mr yellow, when in reality I'm just maintaining my speed. Then I speed up to 72 because I see Mr green coming up behind me and what do you think Mr yellow does? People who speed up when you try to pass are human garbage.


t1_ja0ww8c wrote

Honestly. Save the camping for the fucking Poconos. Other people have PLACES TO BE 😤


t1_ja0xdfg wrote

Oh this is DEFINITELY an issue. Another one I see is actual semis in the left lane when the signs CLEARLY say "no trucks in the left lane"

295 is evidence that you don't need to learn how to read to get your NJ driver's license, clearly.


t1_ja0z6pa wrote

I know this isn't 130 on my way home. The red (PA) and yellow (NJ) would be doing 45.


t1_ja1jnve wrote

the reality is green is going 70 MPH+ and swerving between the two


t1_ja1mwqp wrote

Yeah so what if the speed limit is 65, I’m I am going 80 and the guy in the right lane is going 78 and the guy in front of him down the way is definitely doing a cool 76 and tailgating a row of tailgating idiots who just follow the car in front.

And I don’t want to go fuck 85-90 (crazy ticket), and honestly it’s going to take about 1 minute to get through the situation. Ill go right lane and I’m on flipping cruise control so I’m going the 80 the whole same time. I’ll tick it up to 81 or 82 if it’s taking longer then the minute.

But riding my ass and flashing your high beams during this minute is a garbage take imho

Edit: honestly if there is a decent gap between 78 in the right and 76 tailgate train I’ll pop over just to let the yellow guy wanting to go 90 pass.


t1_ja1soot wrote

There is another car in front of the red car, so it cannot go any faster. The green car driver is tailgating and should be shot in the head.


t1_ja2558o wrote

Ngl I’ve been the red car before, but only to spite the green car. I’ve no shame


t1_ja2c1ql wrote

Of course it does. It's a courtesy to help traffic move properly. It applies everywhere, even where it's not a law and even not in cars. Walking slow on the sidewalk? Keep it to the right. On a bike trail going for a leisurely ride? Off to the right. It's common courtesy and quite honesty the most basic decency to show another human.


t1_ja2p3z1 wrote

I've noticed people that do this will also speed up when you start passing them on the right, which causes a dangerous and frustrating situation. Absolute monsters on the roads these days.


t1_ja2vdhp wrote

Yesterday, had a PA plate do this on 78W for so long they built a train behind them. When I was behind them I debated honking, but I just moved over and decided to wait it out, and let a Camero ride their ass until they got the message.


t1_ja2vr2g wrote

I think it's pretty crazy that in these scenarios nobody thinks to slow down. I've seen it where red and yellow both realize their making a wall, but to break it they both try speeding up to pass the other. We get a faster moving wall.


t1_ja2wdfe wrote

What about the people that go so fast when you try and move over for them they pass you on the right?


t1_ja2wdo0 wrote

Native NYC drivers normally complain about the inconsistent, slow, with a hint reckless driving of NJ drivers. Then there's the reckless, chance taking, never fast enough drivers of Maryland. Let's not forget NC drivers... make that Charlotte, NC drivers (which are from everywhere), where everyone thinks they're NASCAR drivers while looking at their phones or just plain out daydreaming. 🤦🏽‍♂️😂🤣😂


t1_ja2y0h0 wrote

That's because 80% to 90% (not 100% just to leave room for possibilities) of those plates are not NYC natives. NYS (including upstate, Staten Island, Long Island, and any others outside of the 5 boroughs [I know Staten Island is a borough, but not really 😂]) drivers are not NYC natives.👍🏽😂


t1_ja31rrq wrote

While it's tempting to run the yellow car off the road when they do this, I refrain. If everyone could refrain from tailgating for about 30 seconds, we'll work out out, I know that's a lot to ask in Jersey though.