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Rude-Bison-2050 t1_ja80052 wrote

Don’t listen to all the broke babies here. Everyone has the same opportunity to buy if they want. Rent it out.

The only thing I would add is with rates the way they are now your profit margin on a single unit is probably low. If you were living in the other unit solidly worth it still.


TodayTimeDeux t1_ja81b6w wrote

No… everyone does not. Are you paying attention? Some people can’t even afford groceries now.


Unusual-Okra9251 t1_ja8322m wrote

What planet are you on? I already own a home, but saying everyone has the same opportunity to buy if they want is the height of delusion. Cash buyers are pushing financing buyers out of a market that's already dealing with an affordability crisis based on higher rates and low inventory.

Don't be a dickhead.


NMS-KTG t1_ja864e1 wrote

You probably bought a 4 bedroom in 87 huh


PostPostMinimalist t1_ja8lxc7 wrote

>Everyone has the same opportunity to buy if they want.

Uh, no they don't. The is how the rich get richer.