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T_D_A_G_A_R_I_M t1_j9cu0pp wrote

A NY transplant would likely have NJ plates.


Appropriate-Tutor-82 t1_j9dzn2e wrote

You’d be surprised. My neighbors moved over a year ago and still have Ny plates since the car is still registered to their other house in NY they don’t live at anymore


AdministrativeBall58 t1_j9f1p3s wrote

Because they can get their insurance cheaper with the ny plates on. It’s so stupid and has been happening for years!


shea_harrumph t1_j9gek5l wrote

My insurance rates did not change at all when I moved and switched registration.


LittleJoLion t1_j9exj3r wrote

My cousins transplanted about 6 months ago and they’re both still rocking NY plates.