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mrand01 t1_j8tf089 wrote

Light turns green, left foot on clutch, I'm being honked at already. Any other manual folks feel this?

Shouldn't have to feel like I have to do clutch dumps if I'm first in line, but sometimes it seems like that's where we're at lol


mpegfour t1_j8tpe4l wrote

I always watch the cross street light and when it turns yellow I get the clutch in and into gear.

What really annoys me is when the person in front of you starts rolling really slowly and doesn't accelerate, and you have to clutch in again so you don't hit them.


therealpetejm t1_j8u6ufl wrote

I feel your pain on this one, this plus lower back and knee issues are why I can't drive a manual car in NJ anymore.


SmokePenisEveryday t1_j8ulau1 wrote

I don't get those people. They do all this slow rolling and trying to time the light change.....just to not actually move right away when it does change lol


Award-Kooky t1_j8umpxu wrote

This is the worst. I remember when I was learning, this was one of the most common ways I’d stall out


sutisuc t1_j8trqo5 wrote

The worst place for it is Newark where the light doesn’t even change and they’re already honking at you


drwatson t1_j8utufu wrote

Yes, noticed this in Newark too. Light turns green, immediate honk. My reaction is to come off the brake but go reaaaaally slow.


Award-Kooky t1_j8um5mm wrote

Funny you mention this. Just today trying to get on a Rt1 ramp where I’m on a hill too. Light turns green, I press in clutch and hit the throttle before I start to roll backwards and get honked at in about ~1.5 seconds. Like dude, 👋