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BlissfulGreen2 t1_je7qkuw wrote

If there’s no way to know the truth, how could applause tell us “everything we need to know”??? Are we saying the truth is irrelevant?


Johncamp28 t1_je7r5qx wrote

I don’t follow what you are trying to say?

There is no evidence in the allegations from either side but the board clapped for the superintendent..that’s just ridiculous to me

Unless I’m not understanding what you are saying


BlissfulGreen2 t1_je7rpum wrote

It’s possible that the Board has a lot of information (not discussed in public session because it involves a students educational records or health records) that led them to conclude the superintendent is in the right here. If that were the case, I could understand them showing support for their chief administrator. My point is that they may have very good reasons for publicly supporting the superintendent.


-Bk7 t1_je7safj wrote

>they may have very good reasons for publicly supporting the superintendent.

Being scared of her is one good reason.


Johncamp28 t1_je7scpu wrote

I did not get that from your other post. And I want to say that yes you make a valid point but that looks really bad to me.

You can be right and look bad. A board shouldn’t just support their own and to me that’s what it looks like (whether it’s true or not as your comment says)


BlissfulGreen2 t1_je7siun wrote

I hear you. There are a lot of times when the board just can’t say anything for legal reasons. Clapping was a little weird.


Boring_Departure_764 t1_je7ribk wrote

Personally i think that the way she reacted was indicative of the story being true. A normal person's instant reaction if that was a lie would not be to immediately call that person a filthy liar