CapThin2790 t1_jd4oq10 wrote
I know this intersection I have to turn around here when I go to the dispensary lol fucking nightmare every time. Although to be fair I don't do what these idiots do and block the oncoming traffic
Puzzleheaded-Taro911 t1_jd5y81h wrote
Next time go farther south and use the Darrah Lane U-Turn. A bit farther out of the way, but less of a headache.
MatCauthonsHat t1_jd61y65 wrote
This is the way. It's the next light, and not nearly as heavily traffic'd
BadNewsHammer t1_jd62cij wrote
Zen Leaf Dispensary? Turn into QB Mall, head towards the MVC and cut through the Chevy lot (assuming your coming from that far up rt 1). Much easier.
smokepants t1_jd7jjxu wrote
and park at the hotel
rattlesnakejones t1_jd5v8jd wrote
lol I know this struggle. Now I’d rather park at the mall and just walk over
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