Submitted by whoisghosttt t3_1238pda in newjersey

So around 12:15ish earlier this afternoon i was making my way back home from AC from a weekend trip. The drive was fine up until traffic came to a complete stop almost causing huge accidents. I couldn’t really tell what was going on, i figured an accident had happened a few cars ahead of me and people were trying to move around it.

As i’m making my way around what i thought was an accident, i noticed a red Ford Explorer blocking the roadway when all of a sudden the driver jumps out of the car screaming who knows what, near damn ripping his hair out of his head. He falls to the ground and continues screaming having a full blown nervous break down.

While all of this was happening, he left his car in drive and it continued down the PW. ( This all happened right before that big bridge going over the raritan river). A gentleman parked his vehicle as traffic didn’t know what to do, and courageously chased the car to put into park before crashing into the guardrail.

We continued onward and the man who was having the what seemed to be sort of drug related nervous breakdown continued to yell till he collapsed onto the ground. If anyone saw this happen or can find some sort of news on it i’m curious to know what happened.



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TheOriginal_858-3403 t1_jduie71 wrote

Proper Parkway etiquette dictates that should have also stopped and, assisted by other motorists, dragged him to the right shoulder. Then, while lifting with you legs and not your back, thrown him over the side into the Rar-i-tan. All motorists who participated get to do rock-paper-scissors for who gets to keep his car.


SheNickSun t1_jdv9mqa wrote

I don't mean to laugh so hard but I can't help doing so.


gnitsuj t1_jdvi2bc wrote


Lets leave the "PW" abbreviation behind though, "GSP" is what you're looking for.


thebongofamandabynes t1_jdvinar wrote

Agreed but GSP could also mean Garden State Plaza.


gnitsuj t1_jdvjhmp wrote

It could, but you don't make your way back home from AC on the Garden State Plaza lol. I've lived in Bergen County and my wife grew up there, most people outside of Bergen/Passaic County don't think of the mall when hearing "GSP"


ansky201 t1_jdvtz8c wrote

Yesterday was definitely a weird day for driving. In a span of less than 2 hours I saw 2 different cars driving the wrong way on a highway on-ramp on I-280. I also saw a guy (NY plates, of course) approach an on-ramp and come to a complete stop. I had to slam on my brakes. He then just proceeded to enter the ramp like nothing happened.


free_acelehy t1_jdtqr1l wrote

Holy cow, I must have just missed that. But the weirdos were really out in force today. I was on the GSP north, going over the bridge to the 440 exits, and I was in the left exit lane, going toward 440 north. This guy just completely stopped in the lane for some idiotic reason, and everyone had to lock 'em up. And he was just sitting there for a few moments, just looking befuddled and stupid, which he was.


coreynj2461 t1_jdv5ktt wrote

Wow someone has to have dash cam footage of this or something


whoisghosttt OP t1_jdwdnok wrote

that’s what i’m saying, been checking news articles and twitter haven’t been able to find anything on it