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LampardFanAlways t1_jd3v6ck wrote

The loud music is an issue. How’s his support for some politician in another country an issue? Do you want a Brazilian to tell you whom to vote for? If not, then it’s not fair you tell a Brazilian whom to vote for.


Fryceratops t1_jd40feq wrote

Bolsonaro is an outright fascist. It is never ok to support fascism.


LampardFanAlways t1_jd41nse wrote

Do you discriminate against Republican supporters at your workplace? Cos some people may argue that Republicans are fascist too.

Fascism is the opposite of what democracy stands for, I get it. But retaliating against someone for a choice they have made in an election isn’t what democracy stands for either. “Fuck Bolsonaro” doesn’t have to translate into “fuck this specific Brazilian for voting for him”.


Fryceratops t1_jd446n2 wrote

None of my coworkers are republicans. Some republicans are overtly advocating fascism most notably Trump and DeSantis.

You are the problem then. Fascism is historically stopped by calling folks out for supporting it before it takes hold as the only other way that fascism ends is with a war.

Calling out your friends, colleagues and coworkers for supporting fascism is the better choice considering the other options


SprintAirlines t1_jd49byh wrote

There are definitely Republicans where you work. We just don't advertise it because of nutjobs like yourself. We just go and quietly vote.


Fryceratops t1_jd4a12f wrote

There are 5 people at my job so I can say that no one is republican here. Remember you don't know me or anything about me.

The GOP is overtly against all Americans having equal rights. Why would you support that?


BeamerTakesManhattan t1_jdd27z5 wrote

> Do you discriminate against Republican supporters at your workplace?

No, because the loud conservatives, like this guy, don't have jobs, let alone highly skilled ones that require years of education.


JerseyGiantsFan OP t1_jd3xayi wrote

The election was held months ago. I’m not over here soapboxing or telling anyone in Brazil who to vote for. It just irks me to see someone in the USA rally around & advertise for a wannabe dictator - especially with the current political climate here. I’d feel the same way & express the same opinion if it was an 18-wheeler promoting Erdogan, Putin or Duerte.


New_Stats t1_jd3xdab wrote

Don't worry guys, I got this one


Fascism bad, LampardFan. Fascism always bad. This is the objective truth, not up for debate. Tolerating it means you're tolerating tyranny, and that's unwholly unamerican. Furthermore, fuck your ideas on what's fair, if we listened to people like we, we'd be ruled by tyrants. Brazil voted out this fascist fuck, and rightly so.


LampardFanAlways t1_jd3zfl8 wrote

Brazil did that and did so in a fair election and they made that decision. They didn’t do it for Americans to acknowledge their disdain for fascism. They did cos they looked at two options and picked one that they thought is better and in this case it aligns with what you think but they didn’t do it for you.

But the very idea of imposing over a democratic nation about who should or shouldn’t win is not ideal for the sovereignty of that country. Be it a fascist presidential candidate or a dimwit presidential candidate or a corrupt presidential candidate (all three can be the same person, LOL), you don’t want to be told by a non American that it is wrong to vote for that candidate. They may be right but you don’t have to buy it cos they said it. You vote on what benefits your country. Extend the same to others cos rules that hold for them should hold for you too.

Fascism always bad, yes. So if you were hypothetically a Brazilian, you’d do well to not vote for one there, yes. But singling out Bolsonaro supporters here is against the principles of democracy. You don’t want to be discriminated against based on who you vote for here, why is it okay to discriminate against someone based on who they voted for in their own country?


New_Stats t1_jd41zj6 wrote

here's the thing that's so amusing. OP didn't even say anything about who to vote for in the Brazilian election, which already happened, so what exactly are you babbling about?


You're either horrible at both reading comprehension and figuring out how linear time works, or you're just trying to get people to shut up about fascism. My guess is the latter, because I just don't think you're that dumb for it to be the former


>But the very idea of imposing over a democratic nation about who should or shouldn’t win is not ideal for the sovereignty of that country. you.


There was no imposing, people are allowed to speak freely about whatever they want, it's called free speech and it's essential to democracy. Conflating the two is dangerously pro authoritarian


Fryceratops t1_jd40oqp wrote

You need to read Karl Popper's bit on the tolerance of intolerance and why it is 100% a bad idea.

Always decry fascism no matter where.


thethingfrombeyond t1_jd4aa8z wrote

The USA annihilated Brazil's sovereignty when the CIA instigated operation car wash. Dems and republicans are indistinguishable besides abortion and gay rights. Lula, while a liberal, fights for indigenous rights, among other important issues. I don't care if someone voted trump because he and his base are incompetent idiots. Bolsonaro's aren't incompetent. They commit political violence with greater frequency than that which happens here. Plenty of people here vote in Brazilian elections against the interest of their loved ones. I have every right to tell them to get fucked if they vote against mine.