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New_Stats t1_je4eq0l wrote

>By what measure is he unelectable?

The one where he ran in the republican primary and got like 1% of the vote.

>That’s bubble talk man.

Not a man

>You may not care but that’s quite an off putting statement

You're right, I do not care that you might not like me because I apply reasonable logic to hard facts.

And I'm sure you do not care about the horrible misogyny in using masculine terms to describe everyone, even the half that it does not apply to.


7in7turtles t1_je5fttw wrote

I actually do care, sorry. And for what it’s worth I don’t like or dislike you. Don’t fucking know you. This is reddit. I’m just saying that fat jokes are not really the kind that transcend the boundaries of political discourse.

Still, even if he has declined in popularity, he ran in a very unusual Republican primary, But things change in politics very rapidly. Relatively speaking Christie’s crimes are not he kind that a general electorate would give a fuck about. He pivoted to the center hard after he got out of the Trump campaign, and I could imagine him rebranding nationally.

And I’m not saying this because I like him, he has one of the most ridiculous weed platforms in the entire country. This dude’s criminal justice record is bonkers in my opinion. Still, I find the fat jokes pretty tasteless, and something that people would recoil if said in any other context.