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anotherjerseygirl t1_jebvg7u wrote

Reply to comment by gmoor90 in TN teacher NJ apartment hunting by gmoor90

I started with Zillow and a listing there caused me to reach out to a realtor. The place on Zillow went off the market fast, but I stayed in touch with that realtor and she recommended me for the apartment I got. Surprisingly, I didn’t have to pay her because the landlord paid her fees. Sometimes the renter has to pay the realtor, so don’t stay away from realtors, just be sure to ask the right questions before you get involved with one.


gmoor90 OP t1_jec1ppj wrote

Funny you should say that. One just reached out to me on here. And that was the first question I asked. In his case, the landlord pays the fee. Interesting how that works!