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pencilurchin OP t1_jdikx24 wrote

Sorry I am from from very south Jersey so my idea of north Jersey probably goes a little more South. My job is not located that far north. Edison is the same driving distance as my job as Toms River due to the fact my job is around Long Branch.


jackietreehorn313 t1_jdiltgk wrote

No need to apologize. If your job is in the Long Branch area, Toms River will be fine geographically. As you pointed out, it’s mainly retiree places. I worked in Toms River for a while and commuted from North Jersey and I loathed it. I wasn’t able to find a place there that fit my needs. Wish you and your roommate best of luck!


pencilurchin OP t1_jdin9zf wrote

Thanks! It is mind blowing to me the amount of 55+ housing and lack of all other housing!